Song Title: Kira
Artist: Nimring Rosemary
Over the years, women have conformed to the ideology or culture of dependence. Depending and relying on others to make ends meet. Several studies have shown that a greater percentage of those poor in the society are the womenfolk.
However, 'Kira' is a wakeup call to women and men to encourage every woman and girl around them to be productive. This will go a long way to reducing women's vulnerability.
The woman must be empowered but she also needs to accept the empowerment to make positive contribution and impact to her society.
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Song title: Kira
Album: Kira
Artist: Nimring Rosemary
Akwai kira( there is a call)
Kira ga mata(a call to all women)
Don mutashi( to rise)
Mu zama da amfani(to the task of making impact)
Ya kamata ki yi tambaya(you should ask yourself)
Menene zan bawa al'umma( what will be my contribution to the society)
Menene taimakon da zani yi(what help can I render)
Ga kaina da duniya duka( to myself and to the whole world)
Ya kamata mu yi tambaya( It is important we ask ourselves)
Menene zamu bawa al'umma(of what benefit will we be to our society)
Menene taimakon da zamu yi (what will be the help we render)
Ga kamu da duniya duka( to ourselves and then to the whole world)
Verse 1
Akwai kira( there is a call)
Kira ga duk mataye( to all women)
Don mu aikata ingantaccen tasiri( to make positive impacts)
Akwai kira (there is a call)
Kira ga duk mataye (to all women)
Don mutashi mu yi aikin taimako( to rise to the task of being a Helper)
(Repeat chorus)
Verse 2
Sai mu kara ( let's add to)
Kara darajar mu( let our value be greatly increased)
Mu kasance masu himma( let's be hardworking)
Mu zama kuma da hikima( let's be wise)
Sai mu yi karatu don gobe( let's get a proper education for the sake of Tomorrow)
Mu samu fasaha mai riba( let's learn and acquire a profitable skill )
Zamu iya domin an halice mu (we can do it because we are created)
Don mubada taimako( to be Helpers)
Sai mu zauna da shirin taimako mataye( so women, let's get prepared)
Sai mu tashi da shirin taimako( let's rise up to give help)
(Repeat chorus)
Aiyee iyeee ee aiyyee iyeee nanayee (4times)
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